The similarities and differences in the chemistry of carrageenan results in a functionality gradient from thickening only (Lambda type) through elastic gel formaion (Iota type) ending with brittle, firm gels (Kappa type). The applications for this group of hydrocolloids depends not only on the type of Carrageenan but also the presence of other components in the formulation. The gelling functionality of all Carrageenans is influenced by the presence of proteins and calcium ions. Proteins can either enhance or deter the gel formation, while calcium ions will always enhance gel strength and thickening functionality. All types are cold water dispersable. Lambda type is used in instant and cold process applications while both Kappa and Iota types require heat in processing for ideal functionality. With adjusted usage levels, both Kappa and Iota types can deliver thickening and suspension functionality and are used in beverages containing proteins (chocolate milk, alternative milk, meal replacement and sports recovery beverages) using either batch, HTST or UHT processing. At slightly higher usage levels, Carrageenan is used to enhance protein gels (cultured dairy products, processed cheese) or add gel texture (dessert gels, custards, fillings, glazes, icings) either alone or in synergistic combinations (Xanthan, Locust Bean Gum, Tara Gum, Agar). Carrageenan is available in standard grade which is organic compliant.